KenMystery with Dr Ken

Multiple Dates: KenMystery with Dr Ken in association with Science Foundation Ireland

The ancient Greeks believed that everything was made of and explained by four elements - earth, water, air, and fire...

Join Dr Ken as he explores this and uncovers some strange science in the kitchen, finds out how weird water really can be, attempts some airmazing levitation and discovers how to make fire appear and safely disappear.

How will it work? We will supply a link for you to stream this event into your classroom via YouTube. You can schedule the event at a time that suits you on your selected date. 

What will you need? To get the most out of this event you should have the following ready to use: 

  • An empty Coke Can
  • A plastic drinking cup
  • A cereal box size cardboard
  • A pair of scissors
  • A jug of water (approx. 300 ml)
  • A large plastic bowl
  • A kitchen cloth to wipe up any spillages!

Length: 30 minutes

Recommended audience: Primary School (5th and 6th class) and Secondary School (1st and 2nd year)

Eventbrite - Register

Get in Touch Cavan

Telephone: (049) 437 8506 

Johnston Central Library, Farnham Centre,
Farnham St. Cavan

Get in Touch Monaghan

Telephone: (047) 74700 

The Library, 98 Avenue,
Clones, Co. Monaghan