CSI Water Workshops 

During this Science Festival both the Cavan and Monaghan Environment Section will


Dr. How Science Wows 

Dr. How’s Science Wows covers a variety of areas of science communication,


Dr. Ken – Science of the Circus

Roll up, roll up and explore the science behind the thrills and


Promoting the technical skills desired by leaders from the engineering industry our Machines and


Everyday Energy Workshops

The Everyday Energy workshop is aimed at first and second year science


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Get in Touch Cavan

Telephone: (049) 437 8506 
Email: sciencefestival@cavancoco.ie
Website: www.cavanmonaghansciencefestival.ie

Johnston Central Library, Farnham Centre,
Farnham St. Cavan

Get in Touch Monaghan

Telephone: (047) 74700 
Email: sciencefestival@monaghancoco.ie
Website: www.cavanmonaghansciencefestival.ie

The Library, 98 Avenue,
Clones, Co. Monaghan