1. Universe on a Plate

This was a plate that I left on my lab bench which became contaminated. I thought the resulting plate was quite beautiful. It reminds me of the universe, and also how the universe is brimming with life - most of which we can’t even see.
2. Life on Life

The microbes observed from pressing a sunflower leaf onto growth agar. It’s interesting to me that the tip of the leaf had different microbes than the base of the leaf. I wonder what function they are carrying out?
3. Beach

This Aspergillus against its growth media reminds me that I need a holiday
4. Jellyfish

5. Daisy

He loves me,
He loves me not,
I think I’d rather be nothing,
Than be something that’s somewhat.
6. The Mountain

At the back of my mind, there is a door,
Where only I have ventured before,
Sometimes it’s open,
Sometimes it’s locked,
Sometimes even the path to find it is blocked.
Behind that door, there is a mountain,
And atop the mountain, if I choose to climb,
Is a place where I can visualise my mind.
From this view, I can see,
All of the things that are bothering me.
While I am there, it is my elective,
To put these “problems” into perspective.
So usually, what I’ll choose to do,
Is gently change what I choose to view;
So I’ll slow things down.
I’ll take my time.
And I’ll focus instead.
On what makes me smile.
7. Colour in achromic

I took this picture in a bog, it struck me how colourful this fungus was in comparison to its achromic surrounds.
8. Natural Xylophones

I found these on a fallen branch near the Pet Cemetery in Rossmore Forest at the start of October (fungi season). They are saprophytic, meaning they gain food by processing dead organic matter. They do so by releasing enzymes into the environment which breakdown the branch’s complex structure into simple sugar building blocks. In that sense, their stomach is on the outside. But this species, likely Ganoderma sp., was also strong enough to withhold some weight and pressure. So if you were to run a finger over them, they’d make a kind of dull music.
9. Patchwork of Microbes

These were made by people who attended the first Microbe Graphia exhibition. They placed their fingerprints onto growth agar and I grew them up at 30 °C for 3 days. Just as each person is unique, each person’s personal microbes are unique.
10. Mandala

These were made by people who attended the first Microbe Graphia exhibition. They placed their fingerprints onto growth agar and I grew them up at 30 °C for 3 days. Just as each person is unique, each person’s personal microbes are unique.